Car Accident Lawyer in Carbondale, Illinois
Car Accident Lawyer in Carbondale, Illinois
Offices in Marion, Carbondale, Benton, Harrisburg & Metropolis
Thousands of injuries and fatal car crashes happen each year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Every time you get behind the wheel, there is a chance you might be involved in the next car wreck in Carbondale. If the unfortunate happens, you should hire an experienced Illinois car accident lawyer to assist you.
The cost of your hospital stay, doctor’s visits, and other necessary medical treatment can be substantial. Paying these costs yourself could place you and your family in a precarious financial situation. But with help from your auto accident lawyer, you could receive monetary compensation to meet these and other expenses.
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Expenses and Costs Eligible for Compensation
The financial toll of a car accident can escalate quickly. You may be left footing the bill for your hospital stay and treatment when insurance benefits run out. If you require ongoing treatment to help manage any conditions or disabilities, this could also be your responsibility to meet.
Beyond these costs are the emotional and mental harm car crash accidents can inflict on you. You may suffer from anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to your accident.
Managing your conditions can require years of therapy or medication. All of these costs can come due when you may not be able to work or earn an income because of your physical or mental condition.
If insurance benefits do not cover all of your expenses and losses, the compensation you receive through a successful accident lawsuit can provide you with much-needed monetary resources. By conducting a car crash case, your car accident lawyer can help you hold the driver who caused the accident responsible for the damage you suffer.
Succeeding in Your Car Accident Lawsuit
To receive monetary damages in your case, you must prove through evidence and witness testimony that another driver was primarily at fault for causing your crash. More specifically, the available evidence and testimony of witnesses should establish the following.
The Responsible Party Violated a Legal Duty to Act Carefully
Every driver has a responsibility to operate their vehicles reasonably and carefully. When the responsible party is not a driver, you must establish that the person’s conduct was unreasonable under the circumstances.
The Other Party’s Conduct Caused Your Crash and Injuries
Next, your car accident attorney will show how the other party’s actions and unreasonable behavior caused your accident. There may be multiple causes for your crash, but your lawsuit can proceed as long as the other party was primarily responsible.
You Have Injuries and Need Financial Compensation
Finally, you must show the court that you have injuries, expenses, and losses attributable to your crash injury for which you have not received compensation. Bills, explanation of benefits statements, attendance records from your workplace, and other documentation are usually required to establish this element of your case.
How do I find a car accident lawyer near me?
When you have suffered injuries in a car accident and need legal representation, you want the very best car accident lawyer you can find. You should seek out a car accident lawyer who:
- Has significant experience assisting car crash victims to recover compensation.
- Is skilled in both negotiation and litigation.
- Communicates with you clearly, honestly, and consistently.
In and around Carbondale, if you ask, “Who is the best car accident lawyer near me?” the answer is simple: Lawler Lawler Injury Law.
Speak with Your Carbondale Car Wreck Lawyer Today
If you or a family member have suffered harm in a car accident, at Lawler Lawler Injury Law, we will use our 50 years of experience to help. Call our office at 616-889-4981 today to request a free consultation.
Car Accident Lawyer Frequently Asked Questions
Car crashes can be complicated events that occur because of several factors. These factors can include the following:
- The decisions of drivers
- The actions of passengers
- Weather and lighting conditions
- Road design and road conditions
Your car accident lawyer will review police reports, photographs, diagrams, and witness statements to understand the primary cause of your crash. This primary cause is the person or entity your attorney will bring suit against to recover compensation for you.
Most (but not all) car crash claims are settled without the need for a trial. How long it takes your case to be settled may depend on the following:
- The nature and extent of your injuries
- The strength of the evidence showing the other party as having been at fault
- The evidence available to support your requested compensation
- Your desire to receive compensation versus your desire to avoid trial
- The other party’s amenability to resolving your claim out of court
Some cases may be settled in a matter of weeks, with compensation paid to you shortly thereafter. Other cases may take a year or more. Additionally, some cases are not settled at all because the parties cannot agree on the terms of a settlement. For these instances, going to trial may be necessary.
At Lawler Lawler Injury Law, we will devote our efforts to resolving your case in a manner that is expeditious and provides you with the compensation you need. We will not take shortcuts or the easy path. You can count on us to fight to protect your rights and see to it that you are compensated for your injuries.
Illinois law permits you to pursue a claim for damages against another driver or party as long as that person’s carelessness or recklessness was the primary cause of the crash. If the collision would not have occurred at all but for the other party’s behavior, then they are likely the primary cause of the crash, and your case can continue.
Your culpability in the crash could affect the total amount of compensation you receive for your injuries. Your car accident attorney from Lawler Lawler Injury Law can help determine who the at-fault party was in your accident, and if you’ve been hurt or injured, we will work to maximize the amount of your recovery.