Injured in a Car Accident? You’re Not Alone!
So Was One of Our Top Auto Accident Lawyers, Bridget Lawler.
Marion car accident attorney Bridget Lawler is especially understanding of your injuries since she herself was injured by another driver in a car accident earlier in life.
Since Bridget knows what it’s like to be seriously injured first hand, she will fight hard for you! In fact, Lawler and Lawler had the first million-dollar verdict in Southern Illinois history because our family is sympathetic to and understands the needs of hard-working people like you.
We fully identify with your pain because we’ve suffered life changing injuries as well. We understand your lack of a vehicle because we too had a wrecked car to deal with along with the bills piling up.
“I’m proud we had the first million-dollar verdict in a personal injury car accident case in Southern, Illinois history. I am especially sympathetic and understanding to victims of car, truck crashes and motorcycle accidents because of the car accident injuries I suffered in college. When I was in college a woman trying to find the airport hit the back end of my car going over 80 miles an hour! I had terrible back pain & injury to my body that I still suffer from today. My father and I fully understand your pain because we’ve been there. We will fight hard for you and long for you until you get the settlements you deserve. We charge you nothing but numerous free consultations until you are satisfied!”
Because ‘we’ve been there’ we will fight hard for you and long for you until you get the settlements you deserve. Remember, we charge you nothing – we will provide you with numerous free consultations until you are satisfied and your case is resolved! If you have suffered an injury in an accident, call us today and tell us all about it!
Bridget Lawler, Personal Injury Attorney, accident lawyer, Lawler and Lawler, Marion, Illinois.